Hey, y’all! I’m Jackie. I am a wife and mama of 2 sweet boys (most of the time). I grew up in Chicago (suburbs), went to college at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, got my BA in Speech Communications, and started life in the retail management world with Abercrombie & Fitch.
It wasn’t until God played a joke on me and I was diagnosed with a chronic neuropathy illness, CIDP, that essentially ended my career. So at home I stay, and I rest and nap everryyyyyday. I get worn out easily. I get sore a lot. Most of the time, it feels like I’m walking thru deep, deep water with weights on. My husband is a rock star. He is there for me and we have been through more than most married couples go through in a lifetime.
We lived in St. Louis, MO for 6 years, and then when our 1st was born, and my mom was travelling back and forth from Chicago to help us out, we decided that as a family, we needed to move to the same location. So Nashville was our new home. And we LOVE it! We bought our first home in 2016, and we have cows in our backyard! Talk about a change of scenery from Chicago! We also have a pond full of fish, 2 dogs and 2 cats.
A couple years ago, I started an Etsy shop, The Lapis Boutique, where I went to YouTube University, took courses (and still do), and taught myself Photoshop and learned more than I ever thought I would. I love learning, and I love being creative. I design t-shirts, tote bags, mugs, pillows, etc. and so far I have over 500 sales! I definitely keep myself busy and help contribute to the family.
Something I have always wanted to do was start a blog. So here I am! I have so many favorite influencers on social media, and a voice inside my head kept saying, “You can do this, too!” And with the support and encouragement from my husband, I started this new journey.
Why One Top Knot Mama? Well, if you know me, you know that 99.9% of the time, my hair is in a messy top knot bun. It’s kind of my signature look I guess, LOL. I just don’t have energy or patience to do my hair everyday, ya know? And it goes with everything.
I want this blog to be a place for moms, friends, families, etc to come for ideas for recipes, printables, fashion recommendations, shopping basics, coupon secrets and more.
So I hope you like it here. Get to know me, and I hope to get to know you all!